Will Your Resolutions Create Success?

Posted by on Dec 29, 2015 | 4 Comments

Happy New Year!

2016 is just a couple of days away. The days are getting longer and with goals and resolutions, the fog can lift and create clarity in our lives and businesses.

In thinking about my resolutions for next year, on the top on my list is gratitude. I have resolved to be in a state of and express it even more than I do now. Here’s just a short list of what I’m grateful for:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Health
  • Business
  • YOU

What about you?

Have you made your resolutions, your business plan and set goals for the New Year? Share on X

In this week’s video, I will share my resolutions. As you know, they along with goals provide clarity, even in the fog by the ocean.

Enjoy the video. As always, I appreciate your questions and comments.

Until next time, make it a great week!

Jack Cotton

And, if you’re trying to create a plan to for success in 2016, download my free Luxury Business Plan tool.

www.LuxuryRealEstateUnplugged.com is now a subscription event. Join me for monthly coaching webinars to help you accelerate your success. Start 2016 with expert guidance and support.
LREU Get your Real Estate questions answered on the first Tuesday of each month. Log-in, ask and learn. Leave your question at the bottom of: www.LuxuryRealEstateUnplugged.com
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Santa Inspired Luxury Real Estate Tips

December 22, 2015

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  1. Brandon Jozwiak

    I appreciate your enthusiasm for the industry as evidenced with comments like “the best business on the planet.” Thank you for all of the material and wisdom that you’ve made available to everyone. I know that I’ve been encouraged by it and look forward to more in 2016. Happy New Year.

    • Jack

      Happy New Year, Brandon!

  2. Patti Kloepping

    Thank You for the great videos all year…..your Tuesday messages 1.keep me on my toes 2. add new perspective 3. gives me a boost with your encouraging wisdom

    AND…. you make it look effortless ! Your pep talks are like ” this is how to do Real Estate, now stop sitting at the computer, just get out there and get at it !” Simple but oh, so true !

    Happy New Year, may 2016 be a great year for you, too ! I intend to make it a great week ~

    • Jack

      Thanks for your kind words, Patti. Happy New Year!


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