Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough
A Lesson from Woodworking
I recently stumbled upon a valuable lesson I learned in high school that has had a large impact on my luxury real estate business. Believe it or not, it all started in my woodworking class.
For every project, we had to get our teacher’s approval before applying the final touches of stain and varnish. I was meticulous, sanding and sanding until I thought it was perfect. Then, I’d approach my teacher, eager for the green light. His response was always the same: “Are you satisfied with it?”
I hated that vague response. I wanted a clear “yes” or “no.” So, I’d go back to the drawing board, sanding even more. Little did I know that ambiguity was a valuable lesson in disguise.
It taught me that “good enough” simply isn’t good enough.
This principle has become increasingly relevant in today’s world. With standards constantly rising, it’s essential to exceed expectations. Whether it’s in business or personal life, striving for excellence is key.
That woodworking class, of all places, prepared me for the demands of the luxury real estate market. By constantly raising the bar, I’ve been able to stand out and deliver exceptional experiences to my clients.
So, the next time you think something is “good enough,” remember my woodworking teacher and ask yourself: Am I truly satisfied?