Develop An Attitude of Gratitude

Posted by on Dec 13, 2021 | No Comments

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing with you ideas—as you spend more time at home than ever before—on how you can create, enhance, and hold on to my ‘tree house feeling’.

From doing your part, remembering unconditional love, not bringing the problems of the day inside your house, respecting the oasis, to creating rituals, these ideas will have a lasting and profound impact.

Lastly, this week, I want to underscore the importance of gratitude in business and in life.

As challenging and as scary as this difficult time is, it will pass. We will look back on it, talk about it, learn from it, and remark about it, but it will indeed pass. In the meantime, make time to express your gratitude for the things that are going right in your life right now.

Express gratitude to the people who are with you at home. Also, include God in your gratitude. Whether it’s around the table before you’re having dinner or before you go to bed at night, thank the Lord for your health, family, and everything that went right during the day. Pray for guidance and wisdom to help you get through the next day. When the next day begins, continue to express gratitude. Gratitude is truly important. Share on X

Remember a house, just like my tree house, is a structure. It is a building. It is a collection of materials. It is not a home. It is the people inside the structure that create the home—that creates the oasis. 

Watch the above video to learn more.

Until next time, make it a great week.

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