Maximize Your Sphere of Influence
If you want to be successful in luxury real estate, it’s vital to strategically engage and interact with your sphere of influence (SOI).
How do you exactly accomplish that? Here are a few guidelines that will help maximize the value you bring to your luxury real estate sphere of influence.
They Are Not Waiting for Your Call
Remember: people in your sphere are not waiting for your call. You have to be proactive and take action when it comes to your sphere of influence outreach. Share on X
Specifically Ask for Referrals
I encourage you to ask clients for referrals while they are present clients—instead of waiting until the transaction is closed.
Always Bring Value in Each Call
It’s paramount to showcase your value in every call. You accomplish this by highlighting pertinent market information: new listings, sales, or trends in your market.
Watch this video to discover more tips that will help you increase your sphere of influence value.
Until next time, make it a great week.