Elevate Your Value in 3 Easy Steps

Posted by on Dec 14, 2020 | No Comments

As the year comes to a close, I would like to share with you three simple tips that will help increase your value as a luxury agent.

I encourage you to work on these tips during the holiday season and fully implement them in the new year. Your luxury real estate business will greatly benefit as a result.

1. Creative Introductions

Abandon boring introductions. For example, don’t just say, “I’m in real estate.” Blow them away with something different, positive, and memorable. Focus on your elevator pitch—your 20 or 30 second commercial.

2. Aim to Be Different 

Stay away from generic real estate. Evaluate what other agents are doing, and do the opposite. This starts by being creative and different with your marketing campaigns. Utilize new platforms that maximize your reach and engage your audiences. Share on X

3. Blue-Collar Mentality 

Adopt a blue-collar mentality. Blue-collar professionals work physically demanding long hours. In luxury real estate, that means, for example, prospecting for hours each day—not just 20 minutes a day like some agents I’ve run across from time to time. Not here of course!

Watch this video to learn more. 

Until next time, make it a great week. 

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